What is an OS?

An Operating System (OS) is a software that acts as an interface between the end-user and computer hardware. Every computer must have at least one OS to run other software programs and application like MS Word, Chrome, Games, etc.

What should I know?

Nothing! This tutorial for the basics of Operating system is designed for absolute beginners.

Operating System (OS) Syllabus


Advanced Stuff

Know the Differences

Must Know!

What will you learn in this OS Tutorial?

In this Operating system tutorial, you will learn the operating system’s concept, types of operating systems, real-time operating systems, paging, scheduling methods (SJF, Round robin), System calls in the operating system, Banker’s algorithm, Livelock, and deadlock mechanism.

Allows you to hide details of hardware by creating an abstraction Easy to use with a GUI Offers an environment in which a user may execute programs and applications Operating System acts as an intermediary among applications and the hardware components It provides the computer system resources in easy to use formats

Security: Operating system prevents unauthorized access to programs and data. Controls the performance of a system: Recording delays between a request for a service and response from the system. Job accounting: You can keep track of the time and resources. Error detecting aids: OS helps to trace error messages and other debugging and error detecting aids. Helps to Coordinate between other software: Coordination and assignment of compilers, interpreters, assemblers, and other software.

Protected and supervisor mode Allows disk access and file systems device drivers networking security Program execution Memory management Handling I/O operations Manipulation of the file system Error Detection and handling Resource allocation Information and Resource Protection

Are there any prerequisites for this OS Tutorial?

This OS tutorial has been prepared for absolute beginners. It helps them to understand the basic to advanced and intermediate concepts related to Operating System. However, before learning this OS tutorial, it is preferable that you know the fundamental computer concepts like what is keyboard, mouse, monitor, Input-Output, primary memory(RAM), secondary memory(ROM), etc.

Who Should Learn Operating System?

This OS tutorial is designed to help beginners as well as professionals. After learning the operating system, you can explore job and career opportunities as an Operating Systems Analyst, Operating Systems Programmer. This OS tutorial is also designed to help GATE aspirants for exam preparation and useful for examinations like NTA UGC NET Computer Science and Applications.