Orange Is the New Black wrapped up its seventh and final season on Netflix this past summer. The series garnered a big group of loyal fans who tuned in every year to watch the women of Litchfield Penitentiary serve out their sentences in the women’s prison. While the story, based on a memoir by Piper Kerman, centered around Piper Chapman, a wealthy young woman who gets sent to prison on drug smuggling charges, it quickly shifted focus to the amazing cast of characters she meets while serving out her sentence.

Dubbed a comedy-drama, there were some intense and dramatic moments, but lots of hilarity, too, throughout the 91 episodes. Here are 10 memes that only true fans will understand, each of which perfectly captures some of the funniest moments from the show.

Chocolate and Vanilla Swirl

Loyal fans will recall that way back in season one when Piper first arrived at the prison, she found herself begin stalked by an excited inmate named Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren who appointed herself Piper’s prison wife. Of course, Suzanne was harmless and just overly friendly, though Piper didn’t know this at the time.

And Suzanne quickly developed a crush on Piper, suggesting that they could be a chocolate and vanilla swirl, referencing their respective skin colors and her desire for a romance.

Not Chilling

The actor who plays Piper is Taylor Schilling. And this meme uses her surname in a funny way to express the image below which shows the character in one of her not-so-finest moments.

While Piper entered prison a timid and scared person, she left a completely different woman. Prison hardened her to her core, and she dealt with everything from bullying to physical harm, threats, and more. So, as you see in this picture, she lost it several times, sometimes to humorous effect.

Can You Hear Yourself?

One of the most entertaining, though emotionally troubled, characters, Lorna was always in her own world, creating a reality that only existed in her mind. She stalked a man after going on one date and convinced herself, and everyone around her, that they were in love and engaged. When her baby sadly died, she stole Internet photos of random babies and pretended they were him. She was so blissfully delusional that sometimes, people just went along with her because there was no way they would convince her otherwise. Most, however, didn’t quite realize the extent of her delusions.

Clearly Lorna needed serious mental help. But this meme perfectly describes how viewers felt when listening to her talk. She couldn’t possibly believe that what she was saying half the time was actually true.

Quick Binges

Any Orange Is the New Black fan knows that once a new season comes out, it will be less than a week before you power through all 13 episodes. It’s great because you can watch it all at once. But not so great because once you’re finished, you’d have to wait another year for the next one.

In this meme, two main characters, Suzanne and Poussey, pretend to discuss how the characters might feel when they realize fans are already asking for the next season when they just finished filming the last one.

Ugh, Mondays

We know from flashback scenes that Blanca is a beautiful woman. But in the prison, she was so angered by the fact that she was there that she did little to beautify herself. Unlike fellow inmates like Lorna, who spent any money she had on makeshift lipstick, Red, who was always done up to the nines, or Taystee, who had a beautiful bouffant of hair, Blanca always looked like she hadn’t washed or brushed her hair or face in years.

Black bags were permanently under her eyes, which made her look dirty. And her face had a permanent scowl. So Mondays? Yep, this look totally demonstrates how you feel when they come around.

New Season…Over

Another meme that shows how binge-worthy the show is, it’s virtually impossible for any fan to watch just one episode in a sitting. Often times, a season was binged over a few days, with three or four episodes watched each day.

So yes, it totally feels as though you’re cheering one moment because the season is out, then, before you know it, feeling sad because you just finished the final episode seemingly only moments later. When does the next season drop again?

I’m Pretty And You’re Not

Pennsatucky was a hilarious character – a redneck who was put in prison for shooting a doctor. She pretended to have strong religious beliefs even though her actions suggested the total opposite.

After finally getting her teeth fixed, she instantly became more attractive. So while she was still decked out in prison clothes with matted hair and a bad attitude, she was physically a bit prettier than she was before. Were any of the girls jealous? Probably not. But it’s a funny line, nonetheless.

Prayers Gonna Pray

A spin on the popular Taylor Swift song “Shake It Off” that suggests that “Haters Gonna Hate,” this meme shows Pennsatucky’s desire to always preach the word of the Lord. The funny thing is that she got mixed in with a group of protestors at an abortion clinic who mistakenly thought she was one of them when she was actually just leaving after getting an abortion.

After using the group and their beliefs to have a Catholic lawyer help her in court, she continued the façade, pretending she was a religious zealot who was anti-abortion when she had already, by that time, had five herself.

Should I Be Here Right Now?

Fans of the series know that, early on, John Bennett, a prison security guard, was having an affair with an inmate named Daya and ended up getting her pregnant. She then hooked up with another questionable guard George “Pornstache” Mendez, to pretend that he fathered the child and have him fired.

In the end, John disappeared and left Daya with the baby, who she ended up giving to Mendez’s mother to raise since he truthfully believed it was his child. This meme answers the question that no, John should not have been there and should not have fallen in love with an inmate.

Starve People Out

Galina “Red” Reznikov was a Russian mobster who ruled the roost, and the kitchen, in the prison on the popular series. A long-time inmate, the girls who were under her thumb looked up to her like a mother figure. But those who got on her bad side better watch out because she would be out for blood that was as bright as her hair.

If she didn’t like you, or you did something bad, she’d make sure you didn’t get that extra helping of mashed potatoes or that the kitchen conveniently ran out of pudding cups by the time you got in line. So the underlying message behind this Dos Equis-inspired meme: don’t mess with Red or any of her girls!