It takes a lot of changes and adjustments to turn a television show into a movie. Instead of a series of short, interconnected stories, there has to be one long story. Gone are the monsters/villains of the week. And of course, introducing a new audience to the same characters involves a fair amount of modernizing and updating. Every time a TV show gets a film remake, there are always some people who are not fans of the changes.

One recent remake was Power Rangers. Rather than simply update the children’s show, it was given a complete overhaul. The content and characters were given a maturity they did not have when Mighty Morphin Power Rangers premiered in the 90s. Villain Rita Repulsa was made far more sinister and evil, on the show she was a fairly comedic character. The ranger’s personal stories are also vastly different, the characters were originally all well behaved and community-oriented. In the film, they came from broken homes and were in constant trouble. The film is certainly a far more adult story that the previous series and two earlier movies.

Comicbook reports that at the current C2E2 Convention, some of the original actors brought up a few things they wish had not changed. Walter Jones – the original Black Ranger Zack Taylor – and David Yost – Blue Ranger Billy Cranston – have definite feelings about the new movie.

Many of Jones’ issues were specific to his character Zack. On the show, Zack would show off his dancing skills, but that was given to Billy in the film. The new version of the character also did not have the signature fighting style that he had when Jones played Zack:

Yost expressed more disappointment in the overall feel, specifically when it came to one of the most famous lines in the original series:

“I was a little disappointed that they changed the characters around a little bit because I wanted Zack to be with his kido because Hip Hop Kido was a really important element of who I was on Power Rangers. I think if they would have added that then there could have been some parkour and there could have been so many other elements to that character that it would have been awesome.”

They both also commented on how the Megazord did not live up to their expectations. On the original show they would all combine into one large machine with all of them sharing the cockpit. In the film, they stayed separate. This complaint and Yost’s feelings about “It’s morphin time” both speak to the characters being separated. On the series, the Rangers were vastly different, but always worked as a team in the end.

“The only thing I care about progression wise when they do a sequel and they morph they better bring it and they better say ‘It’s Morphin Time.’ When we said, ‘It’s morphing time!,’ it was like, ‘Shit’s about to go down;’ when they said it in the movie it was so lackadaisical I was like, ‘Are you kidding me?’”

Not everything they had to say about the new movie was bad however. They both praised the new cast, especially R.J. Cyler who is the new Billy. Yost was also pleased that Billy was on the autism spectrum in the film.

After all these years, Jones and Yost still deeply care about the Power Rangers. They may not have gotten the exact movie they wanted. But perhaps their notes will be taken to heart if a sequel is made.

Next: Power Rangers Concept Art Reveals Original Zord Designs

Source: Comicbook