Orphan Black is BBC America’s Canadian series about a woman named Sarah Manning (Tatiana Maslany), and her clone sisters. Since its debut in 2013, it has remained one of BBC’s most popular shows and, like Sherlock and Doctor Who, even more popular in the North American market. The series is a critical darling with a significant fanbase to boot and about to enter its fifth and final season.

While many fans expected Orphan Black to premiere early this year, BBC America’s Youtube Channel states that the series will launch on June 10, 2017. Now, however, the network has at least released a first teaser for the upcoming season.

BBC America released the first season 5 teaser - take a look above. At first glance, the teaser is really just that: a tease. There seems to be almost nothing to go off of for fans who were hoping for some actual information. As with the show’s opening scene, though, there may be more here than initially meets the eye. The DNA imagery naturally evokes the cloning storyline that has brought all of these characters together and may also suggest a major shift to the DNA of the show which could be anything from formatting, which characters fans think they really know or who is in charge of the Clone Club. Sarah’s voiceover is perhaps the most important aspect where she declares that she will be standing up for her clone sisters, no matter what may be on the horizon of the fifth season. Maybe they won’t all make it out alive?

In addition to Tatiana Maslany returning as Sarah et al, Orphan Black staples Evelyne Brochu (Cafe de Flore), as Delphine, Calwyn Shurgold (The Definites) as Hellwizard, and James Frain’s (Gotham) Ferdinand will be returning for this final go around. Among others, this season introduces Watchmen’s Stephen McHattie in the important role of Neolution’s founder, P.T. Westmoreland, who also happens to be 170-years-old.

For a teaser, this is a good teaser. It’s very Orphan Black in that it appears to be one thing on the surface, yet there are layers underneath that may reveal more than first met the eye. The stakes seem appropriately high for this final story of Sarah Manning and the Clone Club and it will be nice to see all the clone sisters working together - toward what can only be assumed is a common goal - rather than being at odds with each other, as has happened regularly throughout the previous seasons.

There’s a good chance that Orphan Black is going to hold onto any other clips - or even a proper trailer - for several months now. In the BBC tradition, they tend to release very limited promotional material. However, Wonder Con is coming up at the end of the month, so there’s a chance fans will get another taste there. If this is the only teaser it will be a bit disappointing, but it’s not a bad one.

Next: Orphan Black Season 5 Will Be Its Last

Orphan Black season 5 premieres on BBC America on June 20th, 2017.

Source: BBC America