No matter how historically accurate the TV series Outlander may be, most can agree that one of the main appeals to this show is the romance between Claire and Jamie.  Lovers from different time periods, their bond comes from the various trials and tribulations they’ve had to overcome in the course of the show.

With that said, not everything about their relationship makes sense compared to how real couples behave.  Plus, their actions aren’t always the most logical.  So to poke fun at these things, here’s some memes related to Jamie and Claire that are too funny to not miss.

New Year’s Addict

When New Year’s Eve comes around, it’s traditional to make resolutions for the following year to come.  Of course, not every resolution one makes is necessarily fulfilled.  Thus, it’s funny seeing Claire voicing a person who decides not to make a New Year’s resolution at all.

In addition, what this person decides to do is funny because they intend on remaining addicted to the show Outlander.  Now since Claire is the one speaking in the above meme, we can guess that the person she’s voicing is a woman which makes sense as most Outlander fans are women.

Dr. Quinn Comparison

Back in the 90s, there was a popular Western Drama series called Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman which was about a female doctor in the 1800s who settles in Colorado Springs and is aided by a ruggedly handsome outdoorsman.  While this show seems like a far cry from Outlander due to the different time period, location, and lack of time travel elements, there are some similarities.

Namely, in the fact that the two leads of both shows are an attractive woman who practices medicine and an equally attractive man who lives close to the wild.  Plus, the relationships that the leads have play a large role in each shows’ overall story.  So this meme is funny because it compares Dr. Quinn to Outlander based on the romance factor.

Forget Romeo and Juliet

One of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays, Romeo and Juliet is a timeless romance about lovers overcoming societal and physical barriers to be together only to be marred by tragedy.  So it arguably serves as the backbone for many modern romance stories, including Outlander.

While the main thing that separates Jamie and Claire is time instead of being from opposing families, they too have to overcome obstacles for their love with tragic events happening along the way.  But unlike Romeo and Juliet, the leads haven’t died so far which might be what makes their relationship more appealing as the above meme proclaims.

The Good And Bad News

Among any given romance story, a common trope is having attractive lead characters.  This, in turn, makes the audience idolize the leads and become more invested in whatever happens to them.  So in the above picture from Outlander, for example, the first piece of dialogue explains that some criminals have apparently broken into Jamie and Claire’s home.

Then a second piece of dialogue follows this up by stating that despite the situation looking bad, the leads still look good physically.  So the picture becomes humorous because it’s not only true but also it diminishes the apparent threat.

Right Selfie

In an age where people enjoy taking pictures of themselves, it’s common for couples to practice this as well.  But because this behavior wasn’t common when Outlander takes place, that automatically makes the above meme funny by implying that Claire is taking a selfie with her and Jamie in it.

Now based on the way the picture is framed, it seems like Claire has accidentally cut the bottom half of her face out.  Yet based on her dialogue, this was apparently done on purpose to get a good view of Jamie which makes the meme funnier.

Sleep Here

Because romance is a major element in Outlander, this often leads to steamy love scenes in the bedroom.  Whether one actually enjoys these scenes or not, it’s clear that this meme intentionally makes fun of such a scene.

As indicated by the above pictures, Jamie and Claire are obviously in a bedroom.  But while this seems like a set-up for a steamy love scene, it instead has Jamie fall asleep on the bed while Claire just smiles.  So the meme’s humor comes from the fact that it didn’t go in the direction one would think and its unintentional cuteness.

Fine Stab

When it comes to communication, men and women have different ways of expressing their emotions.  For instance, while women tend to express them more openly men typically internalize them.  As a result, this forces both to change their ways in order to get along with each other.

So in the above meme, for example, it’s implied that Claire says she’s fine but Jamie senses that she’s not as sometimes a person claims they’re fine when they really aren’t.  But what makes this situation kind of funny is that Jamie thinks someone is making Claire unhappy and needs to be dealt with in a violent manner.

Hide The Whiskey

One of the things that often gets made fun of about Claire is her tendency to drink alcohol, which this meme points out through Jamie’s dialogue.  In particular, she drinks whiskey and ironically Scotland is famous for making it.  Now in the second season of Outlander, Claire became pregnant but kept up her drinking habit.

This naturally surprised a lot of people as it is common knowledge that drinking alcohol isn’t good for pregnant women to do.  However, according to PubMed “For the majority of the 20th century that knowledge was either unknown or ignored”.  So since Claire came from the 1940s, she wouldn’t have known what we do now about alcohol and pregnancy.

Volunteer To Be Carried

It’s no surprise that Jamie’s physical attractiveness is one of the main reasons that Outlander appeals to women, which has become a source of humor for a lot of the memes based around this show.  There was the previous selfie-related one, for instance, and there’s this meme which combines Outlander with The Hunger Games.

What both these properties have in common is featuring a heroine whom many consider to be feminist in nature, in that they aren’t sexualized and have strong agency in their stories without being co-dependent on a man.  So it’s funny seeing Claire refuse to be carried by Jamie as the above meme implies while Katniss offers to take Claire’s place.

Target Store

A common joke that’s made about women is their tendency to shop somewhere longer than they intend to.  Though this joke is usually made by men, there is a kernel of truth to it since “Women as a whole are considered more sophisticated shoppers than men, taking longer to make a buying decision” according to Money Crashers.

On top of that, certain stores like Target have a large variety of different things available to where it naturally sucks people into staying longer to buy as many items as possible.  So this and the stereotype about female shoppers are the main subject of humor in this Outlandermeme where Claire’s journey back to her own time is used as a metaphor for how a man feels when a woman takes a long time shopping in someplace like Target.

Tags: Outlander