In the last season of Outlander, Sophie Skelton was one of the rising stars for her portrayal of Brianna. As fans know, Brianna is the daughter of Jamie and Claire - who had traveled through the stones last season to be reunited with her parents. However, she didn’t have the easiest of journeys as she had to go through many trials and tribulations to get there.

Of course, these events have caused Brianna’s personality to change - yet, it has not always been for the best. In fact, there have been many moments where Brianna has been a lot more ruthless and calculating. Don’t believe it? Keep reading to discover the 10 most shameless things Brianna has ever done.

Telling Roger To Leave

In the episode “Wilmington,” Brianna acted a bit childish and immaturely when she found out the reason why Roger was in the past. After Roger and Brianna are handfasted, the wedding bliss doesn’t last long when Brianna realizes that Roger knew about her parents’ deaths and didn’t tell her.

Roger tries to explain that he was going to tell her but didn’t want to break her heart. After all, the last time they spoke, he gave her good news of their reunion. Instead of talking it out, she tells Roger to go back to the 20th century.

Her Reaction To Frank And Claire’s Divorce

Fans may remember “Down The Rabbit Hole” was a centric episode for Brianna, which allowed fans to see her reaction to Frank and Claire’s divorce. As Brianna is returning from a night out with her friends, Frank ambushes her to let her know that he would be divorcing Claire and moving to England to start a new life.

As expected, she doesn’t take the news very well. However, as Frank tries to explain that he and Claire weren’t happy anymore, Brianna asks whether she gets a say in the matter. Considering that Brianna was turning 18, she didn’t really. She could have also tried to validate Frank’s feelings more instead of refusing to listen to what he had to say.

Provoking Laoghaire

In “Down The Rabbit Hole,” fans got to see Brianna begin her journey to America, where she briefly stayed with Laoghaire. Despite the two women bonding at first, their friendship goes downhill when Laoghaire discovers the truth about Claire being her mother.

Instead of ignoring the bait, Brianna shoots back her own remarks at the maiden by telling her that Jamie had never loved her. She didn’t even need to do that as it lowered herself to Laoghaire’s level. Yet, Brianna did it anyway because she knew it would hurt her. Despite fans cheering Brianna on, it can still be classed as shameless as she basically told Laoghaire their whole marriage meant nothing - which is a little mean (but again deserved).

Kissing Roger When He Is Driving

One of the most dangerous and most shameless things Brianna did was putting her and Roger’s life on the line. In “The False Bride,” Roger and Brianna go on a road trip to North Carolina after the historian is invited to perform in a Scottish festival.

While they are on the road, Roger and Brianna entertained themselves by playing a game. However, Brianna ended up catching him off guard when she leaned over to kiss him while he was driving. As a result, Roger ends up briefly losing control of the vehicle. While no one has a problem with their relationship, it was a little reckless of Brianna to do so as her actions could have caused a crash. Yet, she didn’t care.

Leaving Without Saying Goodbye To Roger

In season 4, Brianna decided to join Claire and Jamie in the past after discovering their obituaries. However, instead of telling Roger that she was leaving to his face, she decided to write him a letter that he was meant to retrieve one year later.

Considering the history between the two, the letter can be deemed shameless in terms of Brianna disrespecting their relationship. Just because the romance between them hadn’t worked out didn’t mean that Roger didn’t deserve a chance to say goodbye. Especially as Roger extended the olive branch by telling her Jamie and Claire did reunite. It was the least he deserved.

Hiding Knowledge Of Jamie’s Survival

One of the more subtle shameless things Brianna did was to omit knowledge of Jamie’s survival. In “Dragonfly in Amber,” Claire and Brianna’s relationship is strained after she discovers the truth about her parentage.

However, as the pair reconcile after seeing Geillis travel through the stones do the viewers learn of something Brianna kept from Claire. When Roger comes back, Brianna asks him to tell Claire about the letter he found that suggests Frank had found evidence of Jamie’s survival. Question is, how long had she known and would she have told her if Geillis didn’t go through the stones? It seems like she would have kept it to herself.

Her Favoritism Of Frank

One of the most shameless aspects of Brianna is her idolization of Frank. It’s no secret that Brianna and Frank shared a special bond, with the student wanting to follow in the footsteps of the historian. However, she sometimes uses his memory to hurt those around her, particularly Jamie and Claire.

For instance, in the culminating fight between Claire and Brianna in season 2, she casts Frank as the dutiful and innocent husband. She also has a habit of comparing Frank to Jamie, telling him of all the ways Frank was better. It’s a trump card that she uses to make them feel guilty, which is not fair when they are trying to do their best.

Blackmailing John Into Marrying Her

Another shameless act that Brianna commits is when she blackmails Lord John Grey into accepting her marriage proposal. In “If Not For Hope,” Brianna finds herself backed into a corner when Aunt Jocasta hosts a dinner party so they could find her a suitor. Due to Brianna being in love with Roger, she is quick to come up with her own scheme.

After walking upon Lord John having a sexual encounter with one of her suitors, Brianna proposes that the two should get married. When John refuses to accept her proposal out of respect to Jamie, Brianna then threatens to expose his sexuality to all. While Brianna is just trying to protect her child and herself, it is quite despicable that she would use this as leverage - knowing well that John could be killed or imprisoned if anyone found out.

Doesn’t believe Claire’s story

Brianna also committed a shameless act for the way she treated Claire in the aftermath of her story. After Claire told Brianna the truth in “Dragonfly in Amber,” the student refused to believe a word she said. In fact, she calls Claire delusional and verbally lashes out at her.

Anyone would be hesitant to believe their mother if they told this story. However, if she did believe her mother was ill then storming out and putting her down wasn’t the way to go about it. It is only because of Roger’s coaxing and witnessing Geillis go through the stones does she believe her. Still, she could have given her the benefit of the doubt.

Wishes Claire Was Dead

When Brianna found out the truth about her parentage, she didn’t take it well and said some pretty uncouth things to Claire. In “Dragonfly in Amber,” Brianna and Roger stumbled upon an article that marked Claire’s return from the eighteenth-century. However, Brianna was quick to figure out that Frank was not her father by the date it was published.

When Claire returned, Brianna was quick to confront her mother. Not only does she accuse Claire of having an affair but she also blames her entirely for lying about her parentage. The final nail in the coffin has to be when she says Claire should have died instead of Frank. It’s one of the worst things she could have ever said and yet, she shows no remorse for saying it.