The most mysterious character throughout the series Outlander is hands down Geillis. She is not only patriotic with deep feelings for the Jacobite cause, but she is also a psychopath and a cold murderer too.

She is the most interesting character with lots of different shades to offer. Today we are sharing with you ten questions that were never answered. Some would refresh your memory and some would confuse you, causing sleepless nights, thumbing through Reddit fandom threads. Let’s dive into it!

Does She Really Love Dougal?

Geillis told Claire a couple of times she loved Dougal and that she is pregnant with his child. But, the same Geillis puts a knife to their child’s throat in order to threaten Dougal to get her out safely. A few times she has also admitted to Claire she knew Dougal is a womanizer.

Given how easily she gets rid of men and the fall out both had when she escaped to France, does it look like she loved Dougal or was he just another pawn for her crazy sociopath plans?

What Was Her Real Motive?

Geillis always spoke passionately about the rebellion of the bonnie Prince. She told Claire she even stole from her husband Arthur to contribute to the Jacobite cause. But Geillis is not so straight forward that one can trust her completely.

She is a deeply troubled person with a wicked mind and might as well have some other agenda too. Why would she put herself to grave risk every time for a doomed cause otherwise?

Why Did She Choose To Die?

Geillis was arrested for indulging in witchcraft. There were no orders to arrest Claire though. She was arrested just for being there, unprotected, with Geillis, which was conspired by Laoghaire. Both were accused and prosecuted for practicing dark magic and witchcraft and sentenced them to be burned as witches.

Now, here, Geillis does something out of character. She stood for friendship and took all the ownership of witchcraft and dark works asking the judges to spare Claire. She said Claire had nothing to do with all this. Why? When she was so selfish, why did she sacrifice for Claire?

How Did She Travel From 1968 to 1739?

It is very evident that when one travels through the stones, the timeline that one can arrive at is roughly 200 years plus or minus. We saw that happening to Claire the first time she unintentionally fell through them. The same thing happened when Brianna and Roger passed through the stones too.

But Geillis traveled through them in 1968 and arrived at 1738. How does she manage to travel to any time of her choosing? There has been no explicit answer to this question except the suggestive notes of using gems and sacrifice to steer and the mechanics of travel that are still sketchy.

Why Doesn’t Geillis Try To Be Elusive?

Geillis had an agenda, a dark motive which is why she chose the path of a time traveler. She really believed in the Jacobite cause and that if she traveled far enough in time, she could change history. This is the sole reason, she does what she does indiscriminately. And yet, she doesn’t do the most important thing she ought to.

She doesn’t remain elusive. She establishes herself as a witch alongside being a healer, falls in love with a clansman, murders her husband quite bluntly. She dances with a pregnant belly in the forest through the moonlit nights. Why doesn’t she stay elusive for her own good?

How Does She Manage To Juggle?

Geillis is a mastermind and a master planner or at least, she thinks she is. She has woven a lot of tasks, husbands, lies and not to mention, tons of men who are attracted to her in her evil spiral world. She has husbands as protectors and tokens of identity through all the era she travels or plans to travel.

When she traveled to 1738 after killing her 20th-century husband Greg Edgars, she already had an 18th-century husband named Ibister outside Cranesmuir. It seems like she has already chosen Arthur as her next target and hence gets rid of Ibister before moving on. How does she juggle all of them?

Did Geillis Know Claire Randall Even Before They Met?

When Geillis met Claire for the first time, she looked wary of Claire as if she doubted everything the latter said. She maintained this demeanor until they were arrested and prosecuted. It looked as if she knew Claire was not from this time. Once in her cellar, shortly before their arrest, she even asked her explicitly what her agenda was.

Her handwritten notes and studies say otherwise though. One entry which recorded her disappearance, read the name of Claire with her other details and that she disappeared near Craigh na Dunn leaving her car at the foot of the hill. So, did Geillis already know Claire Randall before traveling through the stones in 1968?

Is She A Black Widow?

A Black Widow is a very venomous spider that kills her male partner after he fertilizes the eggs. We saw Geillis admitting she murdered her husband from Cranesmuir, Arthur Duncan, in the first season. Again, Claire, Brianna, and Roger witnessed her leaving her husband Greg in a burning car moments before vanishing through the stones.

Much before all this, in around 1738, Geillis was known as Geillis Ibister and had already had a husband, after Samhain, who was suspiciously found hanging near the croft. Only Geillis knows how many husbands she had and how many she killed. What we know for sure, is she has no problems at all, in dispensing with her husbands after they lose their use in her extremely warped mind.

What Is Her Real Name?

Fiona, Mrs. Graham’s granddaughter, told Roger she had the Gilmore of Geillis. She acquired it from the site of her disappearance after she killed her husband and vanished. Fiona seemed a bit guilty about not handing it over to the police but maintained that the diary was secret and Geillis would have wanted the same.

In the starting pages of the diary, Geillis wrote that she was taking a witch’s name, Geillis, and that her real name did not matter anymore for she was going to travel the path of power which would allow her to spend her years in many times and geographies. Some believe Gillian Edgars is her real name, but given how devious she is, it might very well not be. A handwritten diary was the only hope of learning her true name, but, seems like she is too smart to give us the pleasure.

The Time Traveler Paradox

Dougal Mckenzie didn’t know anything about Geillis when Roger and Buck met him at the McClaren residence while he came for a quarterly rent collection. There they told him about what transpired at the crofts and how a mysterious woman disappeared after her husband was found hanging near them.

If Brianna and Roger hadn’t left for finding their son and eventually met Dougal, would he never have met Geillis? Did meeting them set the things in motion for Dougal and Geillis? Apparently, Buck would never have been born if he hadn’t met his own father on that fateful day!