There are many things to enjoy when watching Outlander. Of course, at the forefront, is the romance between 18th-century Highlander Jamie Fraser and his Sassenach, Claire, the WWII English nurse who traveled back in time.

While this story is told from Claire’s point of view, there’s no doubt that Jamie is our hero of this tale. He’s a man of hero, a king among men, if you will. He has saved countless lives, even when it meant potentially sacrificing his own.

Whether he’s saving Claire from the hands of Blackjack or is staging a daring rescue of a dear friend, Jamie has no qualms about putting his life on the line for those in need.

Giving Himself To Blackjack To Save Claire’s Life

It was no secret throughout the first season of Outlander that the vicious Blackjack Randall was the mortal enemy of both Jamie and Claire. Jamie, in particular, was always in Blackjack’s sights.

Randall not only wanted to inflict his sadistic ways on Jamie, but he wanted to make Jamie his, once and for all. Of course, Jamie had no intention of letting that happen, until Claire became involved in the matter.

The choices were he give himself to Blackjack to save Claire’s life, or Claire dies. Jamie would never let that happen, so he sacrificed himself to save the woman he loves. It was one of the most heroic moments of Jamie’s of the series.

Jamie Saves Laoghaire From Humiliation

We can likely all agree that Laoghaire MacKenzie was never anything more than a thorn in the side of Jamie and Claire, as well as the viewers of Outlander. But one of the first heroic moments of Jamie’s in the series had to do with her.

Laoghaire had been sentenced at a public gathering with the MacKenzie clan to a public beating which would not only be traumatic for her but also humiliating. It would sully her reputation.

Jamie did the honorable thing and took the beating for her to save her and her name. The only bad part was it resulted in Laoghaire becoming obsessive with Jamie…

Leading The Jacobites Against The Redcoats At Culloden

Some may say this was foolish, but for fans of Outlander and Jamie, we completely understand this decision made by the Scottish Highlander.  Both he and his wife, Claire, were aware that the Jacobites would fail in their uprising and many lives would be lost against the British at Culloden.

But in spite of that, Jamie still led the Jacobite soldiers in the battle against the Redcoats on that fateful day, fully expecting that his own life would be lost. This was yet another example of the honorable nature of Jamie Fraser. He could not let his fellow Scots die in the battle without fighting right alongside them.

Helping Murtagh Escape His Certain Death

Both Jamie and Murtagh were captured after the Battle of Culloden, at different times, but ended up at the same prison. The prison’s conditions left a lot to be desired and unfortunately, our dear Murtagh Fitzgibbons was suffering the consequences of that.

He was starting to become very ill with disease contracted from this prison, and Jamie used his connection to Lord John Grey and the way he favored Jamie to get the proper medicines Murtagh would need to survive.

Without his quick thinking and connection to Lord John, Murtagh may have never made it out of that heinous prison.

His Daring Rescue At Ft. William

In the halfway point of the first season, we see Claire struggling with whether she should stay with her new husband, Jamie, or return to her former husband, Frank, in her own time period. After a traumatic event, she decides to go back through the stones and just as she is going to reach Craigh Na Dun, the British capture her and bring her to Ft. William, where Blackjack Randall resides.

He inflicts pain and threatens Claire until Jamie and the other Scotsmen stage a daring rescue to get her out of the grips of Blackjack. They could have been captured themselves, or worse, but Jamie didn’t let that hold him back from saving his wife.

Leaving His Son Behind

During the twenty year-period where Jamie and Claire were apart, we saw Jamie have a child out of wedlock with another woman. He was not raised to know that Jamie was his father, but the two were still close as Jamie worked on the land he was growing up on.

Jamie adored Willie and wanted to see him grow up, but there was no way he could do so with his criminal past and the fact that he had Willy with a woman betrothed to another man. Instead, he left Willy in the care of his friend, Lord John Grey, in hopes that his son would have the life he always wished he could give to him himself.

It was a heartbreaking moment that showed how selfless Jamie truly is.

Getting Flogged To Protect Jenny

When we first learn how Jamie received the scars on his back in season 1, it was a terrifying and disturbing story that stemmed from Jamie simply trying to protect his sister.

While Jamie and Jenny were tending to their land at Castle Leoch, Redcoats came by with none other than Blackjack Randall leading the pack. Blackjack intended to attack Jenny, but Jamie was doing everything in his power to protect her.

So, Blackjack decided to flog him in retaliation. It was absolutely brutal but showed that Jamie would do absolutely anything for those he loves.

Saving Roger From The Mohawk

Okay, we realize that Jamie also sold Roger to the Mohawk, getting him in this predicament in the first place. But in his defense, he thought he was the one who had hurt Brianna.

Still, Jamie swore to bring him back to Bree and save him from his enslavement. He took Claire and Young Ian to find him and once they did, he did everything he could to rescue Roger from the tribe. This even included offering himself in exchange for Roger.

Instead, Young Ian decided to stay in Roger’s place, but Jamie was ready to do the exact same to save the man his daughter loved. Clearly heroism runs in the family.

Rescuing Fergus From Blackjack Randall

Jamie and nearly everyone he loved had come into contact with Jonathan Wolverton “Blackjack” Randall at some point in their lives. And typically, these encounters were not pleasant whatsoever.

This included Fergus when he was just a boy. The French orphan was working at the brothel in Paris when he was attacked by Randall.

Jamie came upon the scene and immediately acted, getting Randall away from Fergus and saving him from further harm. He even followed through on the duel he wanted to have with him, knowing it was illegal, so he could end his life once and for all.

Sending Claire Through The Stones Before The Battle

There was nothing Jamie wanted more than to spend the rest of his life with Claire and see their unborn child grow up. But he had to sacrifice his own wants once again when the Battle of Culloden came around.

Knowing he would likely perish in the battle and not wanting Claire to be in danger herself, he sent her through the stones at Craigh Na Dun, back to her own time, with their unborn baby in tow.

This was devastating for them both, but Jamie knew he had to be strong and selfless to save the woman he loves and their child. It was likely the most heroic thing he had done.