If you created a poll for fans to decide which Outlander relationship is their favorite, Jamie and Claire would more than likely come on top. Although Claire was married when they first met, Jamie managed to win her affections with his charming personality and selfless nature.

However, their relationship didn’t exactly get off to the best of starts when the Highlander played a part in keeping her captive and risked her life. Want to see how it developed into the strong romance it is today? Keep reading to discover the five worst things Jamie did to Claire, and the five most heroic.

WORST: Keeps Her Hostage

In the pilot episode, despite Jamie appearing as the perfect gentleman, he manages to get on the wrong side of Claire when he forces her into captivity. In the beginning, Dougal rescued Claire from Captain Jack Randall after the Englishman accosted her. Dougal then takes Claire back to camp, where she meets Jamie for the first time.

After the nurse patches Jamie up, Claire also saves his life when she tells the clan of a potential ambush. While Jamie and the other clan members are fighting the Redcoats, Claire takes advantage of the distractions and tries to escape. However, she doesn’t get far as Jamie tracks her down and forces her to come back with him, where she is held hostage.

HEROIC: Marries Claire To Protect Her From Randall

One of the most heroic things Jamie did for Claire was when he agreed to marry her. In “The Garrison Commander,” fans watched as Claire was taken in for questioning by the English redcoats. While she is talking to Lord Thomas, she runs into Captain Randall - who wastes no time questioning her loyalties and origin story.

After Randall begins to get violent, Dougal comes to her rescue. After Randall demands Claire be handed over to them because she’s now a fugitive, Dougal and Jamie find a loophole that requires she and Jamie get married. When Claire says if he minds, Jamie tells her he doesn’t because she’s saved him on several other occasions. Plus, he wouldn’t be a good friend if he let Randall take her.

WORST: Doesn’t Help Her Escape

In the season 1 episode “The Gathering,” Claire finds herself to still be a hostage at Castle Leoch, where Dougal had her imprisoned in the dungeon. However, with several clan members planning on being inside the castle, Claire began to plan her escape.

Her plan seems to be executed to perfection until she runs into Jamie, who is sleeping in the stables. While Jamie escorts Claire back to the castle, he listens to the future surgeon’s complaints about how unhappy she is. Even though Jamie sympathizes with her, he still doesn’t offer to help her escape - which means she could be further subjected to Dougal’s torment.

HEROIC: Sleeping Outside Her Room

In “Rent,” fans got to see more of Jamie’s selfless side when he decided to stand guard outside of Claire’s room. As fans know, Jamie and Claire were dragged along on an excursion by Dougal to raise money for the rents. While the MacKenzies decide to rest in a tavern, Claire hears a noise outside her bedroom and chooses to investigate.

She soon finds Jamie lurking outside and demands to know what he was doing. He says that with a tavern full of drunk men, he wanted to make sure none of them would stumble upstairs and try to assault her. When Claire asks if he would prefer to sleep inside her room, he refuses and tells her that he is trying to protect her virtue. It’s quite a sweet gesture.

WORST: Almost Gets Her Killed

One of the worst things Jamie did to Claire was how he almost got her killed by Laoghaire. In “First Wife,” Claire was shocked to find out that Jamie had married Laoghaire and was a step-father to two of her children. Since the Scotsman had been keeping secrets from her, she attempts to leave.

The worst was yet to come when Laoghaire turns up in a jealous rage and tries to kill Claire - refusing to give him up. However, the bullet accidentally strikes Jamie. Have to think it is some karmic retribution as this could have been prevented if Jamie would have been honest with Laoghaire and told her that he never had feelings for her.

HEROIC: Saves Her From The Witch Trial

One of the most heroic moments of the series had to be when Jamie saved Claire during the witch trial. In “The Devil’s Mark,” Claire and Geillis were put on trial after the two women were accused of witchcraft. Just as Claire was about to be sentenced to burn at the stake, Jamie rushes into the room to stop them.

Despite being exiled by Colum, Jamie risked his safety when he rushes in and defends Claire as the baying mob demands her death. He warns them the first person who tries to attack Claire, he would kill them. Jamie then manages to sneak Claire out of the hall after Geillis’s confession.

WORST: Using Her For His Plans

Jamie seemingly took advantage of his relationship with Claire when he decided to use her to attain information on the English Redcoats. In “Je Suis Prest,” Jamie meets up with Dougal after the Scotsman has agreed to join the cause. As a result, he is tasked with a series of missions.

At one point when all the men are camping, Jamie is almost attacked by a young John Grey. Jamie decides to take advantage of the situation by trying to torture him for information. However, Claire decides the teen would likely confess if he thought she was in danger. Although Jamie catches on to the plan, he does take advantage of her in front of his men - which does anger Claire a little.

HEROIC: Sacrifices Himself To Protect Claire From Torture

Another heroic thing Jamie did for Claire was when he sacrificed himself to protect Claire from torture. As many fans know, “Wentworth Prison” is one of the toughest episodes to watch as Jamie is tortured both mentally and physically after Jack Randall sexually abuses him.

This all came about after Claire’s first rescue attempt failed after the nurse walked into the cell to find Randall and another guard torturing Jamie. Knowing of his weakness, Jamie was forced to submit to the Captain if he let Claire walked out unharmed. It was a Catch-22 situation for Jamie but his love for Claire was what helped him make the decision.

WORST: Making Her Leave Him

While Jamie’s willingness to let Claire go proves to illustrate his heroicness, it could also be classed as one of the worst things he did to Claire if fans think about the repercussions after. While both agreed it would be best if Claire raised Brianna in the twentieth-century, it didn’t stop the surgeon pining away for her husband for 20 years.

Plus, has anyone considered why Jamie never left a clue to suggest he survived? Couldn’t he have done a Back To The Future and wrote a letter that could have been addressed to her future-counterpart? Considering Claire and Frank kept in touch with Reverend Wakefield and Mrs. Graham, they could have had the mail posted to that house.

HEROIC: Saves Her From Drowning

While everyone is used to Claire bringing people back to life, it was Jamie’s turn this time when he saved her from drowning. In “Eye Of The Storm,” Claire and Jamie find themselves in a spot of bother when their ship drifts into the middle of a storm.

As Claire goes above deck, she soon realized her mistake when she is swept into the ocean and dragged down by a piece of debris. Jamie is quick to jump overboard and frees her from the trap. He then drags them both up to the surface, where he rests them both on a piece of debris. Jamie’s quick actions saved both their lives as they both drift ashore to America.