The movement to reduce our usage of smartphones shows no sign of slowing. Palm, one of the pioneers of the personal digital assistants that grew into smartphones, is back with a miniature phone designed to minimize our usage of the device …

Simply called Palm, the 3.3-inch Android phone costs $349 and looks vaguely like an early iPhone. As CNET reports, the company said it isn’t designed to replace your smartphone, but rather be an accessory to it.

The theory is that the smaller form factor will be less compelling, and owners will therefore use it less.

The Palm also supports number-sharing for phone calls.

It’s something he describes as “life mode,” the company’s shorthand for focusing on the real world around you rather than those pesky notifications

All of which sounds like Palm has invented an over-sized LTE Apple Watch.

It’s unlikely any iPhone owners will be tempted: not only is Palm an Android device, it’s only really geared to syncing with a main Android smartphone.

But maybe Android owners will go for it, and it’s at least good to see Palm back in the game. I still have fond memories of my Treo devices. More details over at 9to5Google.