As a part of the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace, The Working Group 6 was created in March 2021. The Group consists of 30 members from various industries, governments, academia, and civil society. It concentrated on the measures and practices needed for the security of the ICT supply chain.

With assistance from GEODE, a research center studying the geopolitical issues of the digital sphere, the cybersecurity giant Kaspersky joined Cigref, the network of large French corporations and public administration, to propose concrete solutions for better ICT supply chain security.

In its February 2021 report on “Enhancing the digital security of products”,the WG6 based its work on suggestions by the OECD. This report demonstrates practical actions and steps which can be done for a positive impact on ICT supply chain security. Furthermore, the report evaluates existing frameworks and points out good practices and gaps in the policy.

Besides policy gaps and areas for future improvement, the group puts an emphasis on harmonization of upcoming national regulatory and industry approaches, as well as increasing motivation for transparency and stronger security for modern ICT products.

Kaspersky’s CEO, Eugene Kaspersky stated that they are glad to announce the results of the group’s efforts with Paris Call supporters. The company’s aim is to stimulate the community to create a safer digital world in the most efficient and sustainable way, and to raise awareness about the tools for better cybersecurity.