Andy Dwyer was quite the character during his tenure on Parks and Recreation. He started out as Ann Perkins’ lazy and non-driven boyfriend who has dreams of being a famous musician. He also tends to not be the brightest but yet we can’t help but love him. And we weren’t the only ones to fall victim to his charm – so did the cynical and hilarious April Ludgate.

Throughout Andy’s relationship and subsequent marriage to April, he proved his love and devotion to her time and time again in the form of romantic gestures and moments. Here are our all-time favorite Andy Dwyer romantic moments.

The Way He Responded To April Saying “I Love You”

In the season 3 episode, “Harvest Festival”, while preparing for the event in Pawnee, April suddenly tells Andy she loves him…for the very first time. Of course, this is an epic and pivotal moment in their relationship and Andy being Andy responds in the only way he knows how – by being unapologetically him.

He responds by saying, “Dude, shut up! That is awesomesauce!”, which immediately makes April upset that he didn’t say it back. Once Andy later realizes that’s why she’s giving him the cold shoulder, he tells her, of course, he loves her, which is what makes the sauce so awesome. It was such an endearing and romantic moment for Andy and April.

All Of His Attempts To Win April Back

Before April and Andy became an official couple, April was the first to develop a major crush on Andy. It took her a long time to be upfront about her feelings for him, but when she finally did, she asks him out on a date and kisses him while he’s in the hospital in the season 2 finale.

The problem was that Andy’s ex-girlfriend, Ann, had kissed him not long before that. This meant Andy had to win April and her trust back, and all of his attempts to do so proved time and time again he had real feelings for her and cared about her more than anything.

His Impromptu Wedding To April

It had only been a month after April and Andy started dating when the two decided to wed, even though people like their friend Leslie Knope weren’t so sure that it was a good idea in the long run.

Andy – as well as April – were convinced they were meant to be and wanted to spend the rest of their lives together, though. The fact they were both so sure about each other and their future together was romantic enough. And Andy’s adorable way of putting their wedding together with April in such an impromptu fashion just made it all the sweeter.

Andy Wanting To Win April A Million Teddy Bears

The chemistry between April and Andy is one of the best parts of their relationship. Watching the back and forth in their light-hearted banter with one another is honestly incredibly entertaining and this next exchange is further proof of that.

When Andy is talking about winning April a prize at a festival, he declares he’s going to win her a million teddy bears. She comes back with, “Well, I want a billion teddy bears.” Andy’s very serious reply? “Well, that’s a little unrealistic.”

It’s equal parts comical and endearing that Andy not only wants to win April a million teddy bears but finds her request of a billion to be way out of the realm of possibilities. It’s so typical of Andy’s demeanor.

His Trip With April To The Grand Canyon

Andy’s wife, April, may be known as a jaded, cynical person who prefers doom and gloom over happiness, but Andy has always brought out a totally different side of her. Including her romantic side.

She decides when a doomsday cult in Pawnee predicts the world is about to end, that they should complete everything on Andy’s bucket list in the span of a day – just in case. After they’ve completed everything, the last thing is seeing the Grand Canyon. They get in the car and make the 30-hour drive and are amazed by the sight. It was a beautiful moment for both of them, but you could see the pure love and gratitude Andy had for his wife in that moment.

He Supports April In Everything

It took a long time for April to find her initiative and go after her dreams. For a long time, she was an unenthusiastic intern at the parks department in Pawnee and was happily letting the days drone on with no real plan for the future.

But then she met Andy. They fell in love and once they were together, that was it for both of them. He also inspired April and supported her in everything she did, including when she wanted to follow her dreams and make a career for herself. Even when there times they would be apart because of it, Andy supported her through it all, which was so important to her.

He Protected His Wife From A Bee Attack

It may seem like a ridiculous and simple thing, but Andy faced a swarm of bees and protected his wife from the onslaught of their attack fearlessly.

Of course, he assumed since he had been stung once before that he was now immune to their sting, which we know just isn’t true. But the sentiment is still there, with Andy. just wanting to protect his wife, April, for being hurt.

He instantly put her body underneath his sweatshirt he was wearing to protect her, and while he likely wasn’t going to make it out unscathed, he made sure she did.

Andy Forgiving April’s Faux Pas

When Andy and April help Tom by playing a new game he created called, “Know Ya Boo”, things get tense for them really quick. When asked who April’s favorite musician is, Andy answers his own name. But that is not the correct answer – it’s the lead singer of her favorite band, Neutral Milk Hotel. This hurts Andy and they begin arguing.

Eventually, April realizes her mistake and makes her own romantic gesture by performing Andy’s song, “The Pit”, with his band, Mouserat. The best part? When Andy quickly forgives her and they make up. He was able to let go of his insecurities and hurt and realized she was all that mattered.

Andy’s Unconditional Love For April

Andy and April had been through a lot once the series was beginning to wrap up. And through it all, they had only come out stronger than ever. Andy made sure at this point to let April know just how much she meant to him and that nothing would come between them, not even fame or fortune.

He said, “You believed in me. You supported me. You make me happy. Happier than I ever thought I could be. Without you, I wouldn’t be anything. You’re what keeps me going.” It was exactly what April needed to hear and just showed his devotion to his wife is never-ending.

The Name He Helped Give To His Child With April

Andy and April have the perfect partnership as a couple and as friends. When April gives birth to their first child, it’s time for them to decide on a unique name for their baby.

Andy first suggests “Burt Macklin Jr.” alluding to his alter ego. April then says she wants to go with something a little more Halloween. Then Andy comes up with the ultimate unique and one-of-a-kind name: Burt Snakehole Ludgate Karate Dracula Macklin Demon Jack-O-Lantern Dwyer. They plan to call him “Jack” for short.

His enthusiasm over his son with his wife and the fact he still is keeping her on her toes was equally romantic and true to who they are as a couple.