The tiny mockumentary that ended in 2015 taught its watchers how to balance personal life and work. It sparked an enormous amount of imagination between the fans. Parks & Rec, or all of the good people in the show who made a huge impact on some of us are the main topics in many online forums. The creative episodes opened up doors of theories that many avid members of the fandom are willing to write to convince the others of its possibility, no matter how crazy or outlandish they are. Some of the theories can make quite a bit of sense, while the others leave us scratching our heads.

Mark Brendanawicz Is Dead

Parks and Recreations is famous for revisiting side characters all the time, some of them even become more commonplace in the later seasons, like Jam. To put it differently, Greg Pikitis and Tammy, after reaching their original purpose on the show, appeared again and again while the character known as Mark Brendanawicz disappeared and never reappeared again.

Not only does he vanish, but also nobody ever mentions him again throughout the rest of the series. One fan gives a simple explanation of why: Mark, according to him, is dead, and there is a possible chance he committed suicide. After quitting his job, he left Pawnee, and we never heard from him since. Maybe the topic wasn’t easy for any of the cast to talk about, or maybe the writers just decided to erase him altogether. 

Jerry Is A Spy

This is hard to believe, we know. But there are many valid points that support this argument. Let’s start off by addressing Jerry’s skillset. He’s mastered everything from painting to piano playing, and remember how quickly he caught that glass before calling Leslie clumsy? Not only that, but Jerry’s family seems to come off as a little bit too perfect whenever we see him. His government job is nowhere a high-classified position, but it may be suitable for a spy to gain serious intel over a prolonged amount of time.

Tie this up with the fact that Jerry got extremely nervous when the group started digging dirt on each other, and this theory starts to become plausible.

Wamapoke Cursed Pawnee

Probably the most plausible theory of them all. We all know that the city of Pawnee was birthed from violence. Mainly from when the towns-settlers slaughtered almost all of the Wamapoke Tribe. What many fans found puzzling is the number of troubles that everyday citizens of Pawnee face, while the one harshly oppressed Wamapoke descendants live a lavish lifestyle, and seem to be untouched by these troubles. This leads some fans to believe that the remaining tribe members put a curse on the town, ensuring their descendants would live peacefully.

Anne Perkins Is In Witness Protection

Stay with us here. This theory revolves around another similar universe, written by the show’s creator named The Office. Ann Perkins was originally Karen from The Office, who had to flee the town after testifying against the Scranton strangler. This leads her to a completely different state, with a government job that would be easier to keep an eye on her. Here’s the kicker: Sabre is an office supply company that exists in BOTH universes, and one of the printers can be seen in the Parks & Rec office from time to time. That one little fact led tons of credibility to hardcore fans.

Leslie Is Richer Than You’d Think

Even though she doesn’t have the highest paying job, she finds money for gifts. Remember that once scene where she busts out one of her many scrapbooks to go over her random celebrations? How can she afford this? Not to mention the $1,000 on waffles. Some of her gifts include an Iron Throne replica from the Game Of Thrones for Ben, that custom artwork for Galentine’s Day, and that trip to Scotland. Many fans think that she got her money from a trust fund put together by her parents who were both government officials. She doesn’t spend very much money on herself, which is proven seeing how shes an avid hoarder of newspapers, and wouldn’t really have too much room to place everything.

Ron Has A Treasure Map

A fan noticed some very odd symbols on the note that acted as a will for the man who killed him. In the note, Ron says that the person who puts him down will get all of his possessions, including his remaining stockpile of gold that is easily worth a million if you count in 40+ years of inflation. What’s humorous is the fact that in one episode, he accidentally confirms that his surplus of gold is buried under a tree. The same tree that April said reminded her of him.

Gergich Is In A Cult

If you couldn’t see Jerry as a spy, then you may be able to see the man as a charismatic cult leader. Not just any cult leader, but the leader of the Reasonablists. This cult started in the ’70s, and they believe that the world be ultimately be destroyed by a god-like being known as Zorp. Many fans use the fact that Jerry can be quite charismatic, and is usually a very wholesome people-person. The cult members may have even been responsible for voting Jerry into office.

Andy Dywer Is From Toy Story

We really can’t see this one holding up as much, but it is a very entertaining thought to tinker with. Andy from Toy Story held some high aspirations for being a police officer after being inspired by one of his many childhood toys: Woody.

Pair this up with the fact that they are both childlike and have a deep love of music, and the theory has a bit of kick to it. Andy Dwyer is just the much older version, and has most likely reverted back to his childlike was from nostalgia.

Steve From Stranger Things Is A Father

Many fans believe that Steve from Stranger Things is actually Jean Ralphios father. We can certainly see the resemblance and how a young Steve could inspire mishaps for his son. Not to mention, both shows take place in Indiana. Dr. Saperstein just maybe Jean’s uncle who was in med-school during his childhood. This would also mean that The Office takes place in the same universe as Stranger Things, which is really difficult to see.

The Dark Reason Behind Icetown

Remember how Ben was the mayor of his town when he was 18? Right before plummeting the city into debt in order to fund a city-wide ice rink, effectively naming him the ‘Ice Clown’? When you that piece of information alongside his somewhat-open fetish for girls with skates on, and you can really see how there might have been some other intentions in Ben’s mind when he was doing some city-planning. It’s enough to completely stun the man whenever Leslie wears them at a hearing.