Following the publishing of the first half of the interview, and several subsequent clips, part two Charlie Rose’s full interview with Tim Cook is now available to watch – in full – on Hulu (below) and Charlie Roses’s website. In the interview, Cook discusses a wide variety of topics, ranging from privacy, to U2, and “what comes after the internet.”

Regarding privacy, Cook remarked that he believes that government currently falls too close to the “collect everything” model than they should, but also how he thinks that the President and his administration are working hard to “move that pendulum back.” Cook also talked about many of the values that he instills in Apple as CEO, including “treating people with dignity” and treating everyone equally, “regardless of their color, religion, sexual orientation, or gender.”

Following the discussion on equality and Martin Luther King, Cook went on to talk about how environmentally conscious Apple has become, remarking that they “want to leave the earth better than it was found.” Cook also discussed how Apple has removed all toxins from its products and that it has been the only consumer electronics company to do so.

When asked about Apple being one of the largest companies in the world and having more than $100 billion in the bank, Cook replied that he doesn’t like to think about everything in a monetary sense, but rather likes to wonder how the company is enriching the lives of people and solving problems.  Cook credited Steve Jobs for putting these values deep into Apple a long time ago and added that they will be the values of Apple for a long time to come.

Finally, Cook talked about how the partnership between Apple and U2 came about, remarking that the album is “killer” and that they were “thrilled” with it. Cook said that Apple wanted to give something back its customers, which led to giving the album away for free.

During part one of the interview, Cook talked about ideas behind the Apple Watch, Apple’s partnership with IBM, purchasing Beats, and how he and Steve Jobs discussed him becoming CEO.

You can stream part two of the interview below:

[hulu id=nfnjcpkoaj7sppxse0-t-g width=512]