The situation with Marvel Comics-based movies is a little bit of an odd one. Due to various character rights being sold off in the 1990s, The Avengers and co. all find their homes at Marvel Studios and Disney, whilst 20th Century Fox look after X-Men and the slew of flicks that come with it. Because of that, the two entities are kept completely separate, although that hasn’t stopped the fans from making them both hugely successful in their own right.

Patrick Stewart is a man who’s been a part of the X-Men franchise ever since it was brought to fans in said adaptations, and has played the role of X-Men professor Charles Xavier for almost 17 years. Though he knows his fellow mutant actors will likely never see the day that the X-Men battle the Avengers in a cinematic release, that didn’t stop him fantasizing when asked the question who would win in a fight.

Speaking to while promoting Logan about a potential battle, Stewart gave an answer tinged with humor. Despite allowing his funnier side to shine, he was extremely confident in his side winning any conflict:

It’s unsurprising that Stewart would back the people he’s been around for the past two decades. The comments look to be a challenge of sorts, but as there’s such a huge divide between movie studios and absolutely no signs of them ever crossing over, the dream becoming a reality is highly unlikely, at least for now.

“X-Men versus? I don’t know who the Avengers are… Of course, I do. There’s no contest. Bring on Famke Jansen, James Marsden… We’ll sort them out.”

Despite that, the battle is one that’s taken place within the comic book world. Though the recent 2012 crossover event from Brian Michael Bendis isn’t the most celebrated story arc in the world, it’s one that could form the basis for an incredible feature film in a newly-established collaborative universe somewhere down the line. Unfortunately, that won’t likely come until the very distant future (still, we’ve got this fan-made trailer to enjoy what could have been.)

For now, the Avengers and X-Men movies may be best left alone to do what they’re already doing. Logan is beginning to pick up some incredible reviews ahead of its release in a couple of weeks, sitting at 96% on Rotten Tomatoes at the time of writing, and the hype game for the upcoming Disney/Marvel releases such as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is going from strength to strength. When so much is going right, what is there to fix?

Source: ComicBook

Next: Logan: What Happened to the Mutants?

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