Apple has had a busy year for product launches. In addition to the Apple Watch going on sale as a whole new product category, there was the 12-inch MacBook and iPad Pro, each representing quite a radical new take on an existing product category.

But Apple also made some notable improvements to existing lines. The iMac got a 4K and 5K display; the Retina MacBook Pro got Force Touch; and the Apple TV got opened up to a whole new range of software.

We also saw a new iPad mini which was essentially a smaller iPad Air 2, and a refreshed MacBook Air with Broadwell CPU and faster graphics.

Additionally, Apple launched five new peripherals – the Apple Pencil, Smart Keyboard, Magic Keyboard, Magic Trackpad 2, Magic Mouse 2 – and we have a separate poll for those.

So it’s time to ask you to name your Apple Product of the Year and Apple Peripheral of the Year … 

You can only choose one product and one peripheral, which may prove tricky for some! First, the main event:

And then the peripherals:

Please do share the reasons for your choices in the comments – and if it was a close-run thing for you, let us know which were the products you found it hard to choose between.