Immediately prior to the unveiling of the new MacBook Pro models, some 64% of you were planning to buy them. Interestingly, that number didn’t seem to change at all when we ran a new poll afterwards.

What did change was that that almost all the ‘not sure’ group turned into definite ‘no’ votes – so we thought it would be interesting to find out the reasons for that …

There was a certain degree of disappointment with the specs. Some, for example, complained that Apple was still using Skylake rather than waiting a little longer for Kaby Lake. Others felt that the top-spec machines should have offered 32GB RAM rather than 16GB, a decision Apple said was taken for reasons of power efficiency.

Some of you weren’t wowed by the new Touch Bar, some dismissing it altogether, others considering it a nice feature but not a stunning one. Similar, Touch ID was expected, so not felt to be a stand-out new feature.

Then, of course, there is price. There was a huge amount of discussion over this, with many expressing dismay at the price of the custom-build machines in particular, especially when it came to SSD upgrades.

Views here seemed split between those who felt the new machines were expensive but worth it, those who felt they were happy with the older machines and those who want to wait until Apple reduces the price a year or so down the road.

An additional cost-related issue is the all-USB-C ports, requiring docks, dongles or new devices – all of which carry a cost and involve inconvenience.

Other were disappointed to lose some classic MacBook features, MagSafe being the main one, but perhaps also a little nostalgic twinge at the loss of the glowing Apple logo and that startup chime.

Maybe you have other reasons also? Please take part in our poll, and share your thoughts in the comments. Some of you may have more than one reason for rejecting the new machines, but we’ve limited you to one option as we want to find out the main one.