Warning: SPOILERS for Power Rangers: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1

Tommy Oliver aka the Green Power Rangers is one of the iconic characters in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers franchise. However, despite being one of the most beloved Rangers, he’s not without a few missteps, and sometimes, he can just be, well, the worst. These flaws are in full display in the first issue of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover.

In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1, Tommy has set out to infiltrate the elusive Foot Clan, the arch-nemesis of the Turtles. The only problem is that he’s gone rogue, and not even his own team know about it. Tommy has even lied to the Rangers, claiming to be on a family visit. By the time he does finally morph into the Green Ranger to take on the Turtles, the Power Rangers arrive and all of his lies are revealed to both teams. The Pink Ranger Kimberly calls him out for his reckless and immature behavior and half-heartedly forgives him before Tommy goes back to the Foot.

At a glance, Tommy looks like an ideal candidate for an undercover operation. After all, he’s been a villain before - when he was under Rita Repulsa’s spell, and he’s even seen first-hand what havoc his alternate reality alter ego Lord Drakkon can wreck when the gloves are off. The problem is that much of the Boom! Studio series has spent a lot of time already developing Tommy from a shell-shocked loner into a team player, which makes seeing him in this light more than a little jarring.

Tommy Oliver has worn plenty of helmets literally in his time as a Power Ranger. After his tenure as the Green Ranger, he’s taken on the mantle of the White Ranger, both the Red Zeo and Red Turbo Ranger as well as the Black Dino Ranger. He’s also shown to be a mentor to other Ranger teams in the future. And of course, to top it all off, a an alternate reality version of him appeared as Lord Drakkon, the major villain in the Power Rangers: Shattered Grid comic book series.

At a glance, Tommy Oliver definitely looks like he’s in over his head. After all, he’s effectively alienated both the Power Rangers and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for what appears to be a half-baked plan to start. Pulling the wool over Shredder’s visor is a pretty tall order - and one that almost certainly won’t end well. On the other hand, Tommy Oliver is clearly playing the long game and it’s possible (though not likely) everything is going according to plan. Tommy asks Kimberly to trust him and at least seems to understand the position he’s put them in.

It’s possible Tommy is working an angle, one that takes advantage of the tensions between Tommy, his team and the Turtles to paint the convincing picture of an isolated and vulnerable opportunity for the Foot to take advantage of - before Tommy springs his trap. Time will tell if Tommy really knows what he’s doing, but for now, he’s put his team, the Turtles and himself in a dangerous position.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 is on sale now.

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