Much of the focus on the highly anticipated Power Rangers reboot has centered on, of course, the Rangers themselves. It’s clear that each of the five Power Rangers will feature their own unique backstories before eventually coming together as a group and discovering their powers. But the reboot is also betting big on Elizabeth Banks as the villainous Rita Repulsa in one of the more visually distinctive depictions of the character in the franchise.

Throughout the pre-release promotion for Power Rangers, there has not been much revealed about Rita Repulsa beyond how she looks – which is dramatically different from the popular ‘90s portrayal of the character. But it was reported that Rita is a 65 million-year-old former Green Ranger who will have an intense desire to stop the new Power Rangers. A new TV spot for the film has made its way online and shines a fresh light on the war that Rita will wage against the heroes.

The new TV spot surfaced online on Friday, putting Banks front-and-center as Rita Repulsa. The spot showcases many of the same clips that have already been seen in previous trailers and clips, but also offers a few fresh glimpses at not just Rita but the Rangers and the epic battles that they will fight. The focus, however, is all on Rita.

“I was once just like you … full of hope,” Rita says to Trini (Becky G.) in an extended look at a bedroom confrontation between the two characters. There’s also a voiceover of Rita saying “I’ve killed Rangers before,” during what appears to be a ruthless path of destruction for the evil sorceress. There are a handful of fresh but fleeting glimpses at the climactic battle involving both the Rangers’ Dino Zords and Rita’s gigantic Goldar Zord.

If the rumored backstory for Repulsa is true, then the story of the Power Rangers reboot will ultimately be satisfyingly faithful to the original source material. Whatever Rita’s motivations turn out to be, it’s clear that she will be an intensely powerful force standing in the Rangers’ way. A large part of the movie’s success will hinge on Banks’ performance as the villain, which is often the make-or-break factor in superhero films.

Much like a great villain can elevate a film from standard superhero fare to something more memorable, a weak one can make a film far less compelling than it could have been. Banks has looked menacing in the small handful of clips that have been revealed, but until Power Rangers makes its debut, it will remain unclear how powerful her performance really is. If Banks excels in the role, Power Rangers has a chance to be a huge success.

Next: Power Rangers Colossal Megazord Toy Reveals Where Each Zord Fits

Source: Lionsgate (via World of Heroes)