Aria was easily a favorite character in Pretty Little Liars. She was small but mighty and fans loved to root for her. However, if you take a closer look at her character in the show, you might find that she wasn’t always the sweet pixie that the series tried to paint her out to be. Between trashing her dad’s office and kissing Ezra’s brother, Aria definitely had her moments.

It’s a been a while since the series ended so we did the hard work for you and rounded up the 10 worst things Aria ever did in all seven seasons of Pretty Little Liars.

Lies To Her Mom For Her Dad

It’s hard to be mad at Aria for this one since she was just a confused teen, but it was still pretty bad. When Aria found out that her dad was cheating on her mom, she agreed to not say anything to her mom about it. While this was definitely not an easy decision for her and she was extremely angry with her dad over it, she still kept it a secret from her mom for almost an entire year.

Aria even kept it a secret when she thought her dad was cheating all over again. It wasn’t until “A” sent a letter to Aria’s house revealing the secret that Ella found out about her husband’s infidelity.

Trashes Her Dad’s Office

Oh, Aria. She really didn’t handle the entire situation with her dad well at all, but who can blame her? Aria was put in a bad spot when she found out that her dad was cheating on her mom. Not only did this come as a huge shock to her, but she was with Alison when she found out.

Alison was a bad influence and definitely didn’t make Aria feel any better about the situation. Alison ultimately encouraged Aria to act out, instead of encouraging her to take the situation to Ella, and she and Ali ended up trashing Byron’s office.

Dates Her Teacher

This is definitely the most controversial thing Aria has done to date. Aria met Ezra at a bar and let him think that she was in college. Of course, later she finds out that he’s her English teacher at school but she doesn’t want to end the relationship. Instead, she encourages Ezra to take a chance on her which was honestly shocking.

Aria was a really intelligent character so it was pretty confusing that she thought it’d be okay to date her English teacher. The whole thing was wildly problematic.

Blackmails Jackie

This is one of those times where a Liar did something bad because “A” forces them to. “A” sent the Liars tasks to complete in order to keep their therapist safe. Aria’s task was the get rid of Jackie, Aria’s competition for Ezra, so “A” equipped Aria with Jackie’s thesis paper and proof that she plagiarized her paper.

In order to get Jackie to leave Hollis, Aria goes to Jackie’s house and blackmails her with the truth about her plagiarized paper. While Aria’s hand was forced in this situation, it’s hard to believe that there weren’t ways around it. Like, going to the police, for example.

Kisses Ezra’s Brother

Things with Ezra and Aria were often rocky, and during one of their rough patches, Aria got close to Ezra’s brother. Too close in fact, considering the two ended up kissing. To Aria’s benefit, she did pull away, but definitely not as soon as she should have.

This was pretty bad on Aria’s part, not only did she kiss Ezra’s brother, but she and Ezra were still together at the time. No surprise here but Aria never actually told Ezra about this moment, which in hindsight, was pretty sneaky and hypocritical of her.

Doesn’t Tell Ezra About Malcolm

For some reason, Aria always seems to be stuck with the most difficult secrets. Ultimately though, it was clear to fans that Aria should have told Ezra that he had a secret son the moment she found out. While it’s understandable that she doesn’t think that it’s her secret to tell, Aria’s loyalty is to Ezra, not Maggie.

Aria didn’t end up telling him the truth and he found out in the worst way possible - from Spencer. Spencer confronted him when she thought that he was angry with Aria for not telling him about Malcolm, when in fact, Spencer was revealing all of this to Ezra for the very first time.

Takes Ezra Back

Remember that dramatic scene between Aria and Ezra on the ski lift? When Aria found out that Ezra had known who she was all along, and had even previously dated Alison, Aria was furious. This is pretty understandable considering Ezra was looking pretty guilty of a lot of things at this moment and she couldn’t trust him anymore.

Not only had Ezra now dated two underage girls, but he also stalked Aria and her friends in order to write a true-crime book about Ali. If this was all possible, then it was also possible that Ezra had done other horrific things. Regardless, Aria should have never taken him back considering the creepy circumstances.

Secretly Joins The A-Team

Aria was forced to join the A-Team when “A” blackmailed her with a letter that she had previously written accusing Ezra of sexual assault. If she didn’t do everything “A” asked of her then that letter would be used against her to send Ezra to jail. Aria was willing to do whatever necessary in order to protect him, which initially seems noble.

However, Aria had been in the game long enough to know how to deal with “A” at this point. At the very least, Aria should have figured out a way to let her friends in on the fact that she was on the A-Team so that they wouldn’t be blindsided later.

Destroys Alison And Emily’s Nursery

As part of the A-Team, one of Aria’s tasks was to destroy Alison and Emily’s nursery. This was one of those times where it would have benefited Aria to let her friends know that she joined the A-Team, but of course, they had no idea. Her friends were completely horrified when they found the nursey ripped to shreds and covered in fake blood - all thanks to Aria.

Of course, Aria just had to stand there and pretend that she was just as shocked as the rest of them. Even though Aria was forced into this one, it was still pretty devious on her end.

Cheats On Liam

Liam isn’t exactly the most memorable character, but that doesn’t mean that he deserved to be cheated on. This obviously wouldn’t be the first time Aria had cheated either, but for some reason, it stung the most when she did it to Liam. He was a good match for her, he didn’t stalk her and he wasn’t her former teacher, so he was already a better pick than Ezra.

No surprise here, but Aria hardly felt any remorse for cheating and then ending things with Liam for Ezra. Hopefully, good old Liam went on to find someone who truly deserved him.