Hanna is one of the most beloved Pretty Little Liars characters. She was loyal to the Liars, had really good fashion sense and offered comic relief in some of the most intense scenes. However, she did have a way of getting on fans’ nerves from time to time. Hanna is known to play down her intelligence and make irrational decisions that come back to bite her and her friends in the long run.

This all makes viewers question if Hanna was a key member of the team or just a hindrance to the group. Here are the 10 worst things Hanna ever did.


While this may not seem like such a big deal compared to some of Hanna’s other actions, it was still illegal and it had some lingering consequences. In order to get Hanna out of trouble, her mother dated one of the police officers, Darren Wilden. This specific police officer definitely seemed shady, but Hanna’s mom seemed to think that keeping him around was necessary.

Even though it would have made much more sense to have Hanna face the consequences at the police station, this situation could have been completely avoided had she not shoplifted in the first place.

Pressures Sean

Long before Hanna was with Caleb, she was with good old Sean. Hanna had been pining for Sean since middle school and finally got together with him in high school. Something important to Sean was that he was saving himself for marriage, however, Hanna did not accept this at all.

She tried time and time again to change Sean’s mind and when he didn’t, she got her feelings hurt. She convinced herself that she was the problem, even though Sean had been honest with her about his priorities all along.

Destroys The Flash Drive

This definitely had fans yelling at Hanna though the TV. Caleb was working on getting some files from a flash drive that could have helped the Liars figure out who “A” was but Hanna didn’t like that Caleb was getting involved. While some may say that this was noble of her, as she just wanted to keep him safe, she still irrationally destroyed an important flash drive.

That drive could have had really important information on it for her and her friends, but she made the selfish and impulsive decision to destroy it by putting it through the blender.

Takes Mona For Granted

We all know that Mona was never the best friend to Hanna, considering she turned out to be “A” for the first two seasons of the show. However, Mona was often still there for Hanna since, at some level, she really did care for her. Hanna clearly took this for granted throughout the series, even before she knew Mona was “A”.

Hanna would often cancel on Mona to spend time with the Liars and would call on Mona for help only whenever she needed her specific resources. Later in the series, Mona worked hard to prove her loyalty to Hanna, but Hanna never seemed to fully appreciate it.

Breaks Caleb’s Heart

At the end of the sixth season, fans learn that Caleb and Hanna broke up because Hanna chose her job over Caleb. During a flashback, Caleb points out that Hanna hasn’t been present and always puts work first. She does it yet again when she leaves for an unexpected work trip, even though she had already agreed to travel to Europe with Caleb. This really hurt Caleb so he packed up his things and left.

While it’s true that Hanna came to her senses just moments later, when she returned home, Caleb was already gone. Hanna definitely broke Caleb’s heart by choosing her job over him time and time again.

Pushes Wilden’s Car Into The Lake

This one is definitely up there with the most illegal things that Hanna has ever done. When she is convinced that her mom murdered Officer Wilden, she takes it upon herself to get rid of the evidence. She pushes Wilden’s car into the lake thinking that this will free her family of any implications in Wilden’s death.

It seems like Hanna acts irrationally and doesn’t think things through more often than not. She had to have known that “A” is always watching and that getting rid of a police vehicle is never a good idea.

Gets Together With Aria’s Brother

It’s revealed in a flashback that Hanna got together with Aria’s brother, Mike before Alison had disappeared. Alison walked in on Hanna and Mike and stopped the situation but then harshly reprimanded Hanna for it. While Alison had no right to make Hanna feel so bad about what had happened, Hanna should have known better than to get together with her best friend’s brother.

Hanna had to have known that this would make Aria uncomfortable and what’s even worse, is that she went on to keep this secret from Aria for quite some time.

Kidnaps Noel

This is without a doubt, one of the wildest things that Hanna ever does. It’s clear that at this point in the series, Hanna was pretty desperate for answers. So much so that she devised a plan to kidnap Noel and torture him for the truth. The craziest part about all of this is that she went completely rogue.

Hanna did all of this without her friends by her side, except for Mona, who she eventually called on for help. This is another example of how Hanna often acts out irrationally and doesn’t think about the consequences of her actions.

Ditches Jordan

Oh, Hanna. This was a pretty sad scene to watch. In season seven, fans see Hanna break up with her loyal fiance after she finds out that the bar where they first met was closed. Of course, their breakup was never actually about the bar. Hanna wanted to return to the place where they first met for a fresh start so Hanna could try to give Jordan the attention and love he deserves.

The closing of the bar seemed to signify Hanna giving up on their relationship. Deep down she knew she was in love with Caleb all along, so she used this opportunity to call off their engagement. Jordan definitely deserved better.

Kisses Caleb While He’s With Spencer

After Caleb and Hanna broke up, Caleb ran into Spencer and they began to date. The most surprising part about this is that Spencer and Caleb were actually pretty good for each other. Although, it truthfully seemed a little insensitive of Spencer to date her best friend’s ex-boyfriend, however, Hanna gave her blessing so Spencer had the green light.

Even though Hanna tried to be okay with all of this, she truly wasn’t and she and Caleb ended up kissing. This really hurt Spencer, but oh well, Spencer was meant to be with Toby anyway.