Pretty Little Liars premiered in 2010 and quickly became the show that fans just couldn’t stop watching. No matter how long the writers made viewers wait to learn the truth about A, fans were dedicated and truly in it for the long haul. It wasn’t until 2017 that the world finally learned all there was to know about the A-team.

Truthfully, the ending was slightly far fetched but it was still pretty satisfying as fans were finally able to learn A’s true identity and motives. Spencer Hastings, the intelligent, unspoken leader of the group, played a big part in ultimately nabbing A. Here are Spencer’s top ten moments, ranked.

Standing Up To Ali

As previously mentioned, Spencer was the most intelligent and cunning of the group, which ultimately made her the unspoken leader. This is most likely the thing that intimated Ali the most about Spencer considering Ali was supposed to be the self-proclaimed leader of the Liars.

It’s true that Spencer and Ali shared similar personalities, which is probably what made them butt heads so often, but Spencer was never one to back down. Fans loved seeing Spencer stand up to Ali as that was something most characters in the show just weren’t able to do.

Apologizing To Toby

Spencer didn’t always see the best in Toby, especially at the beginning of season one, as she initially suspected that he had something to do with Ali’s murder. It wasn’t until she started to be framed for crimes she didn’t commit, that she realized the same thing was happening to Toby.

In order to make amends and gain some insight, Spencer offered to tutor Toby in french and apologized for misjudging him. This was pretty big for Spencer as she’s a relatively proud character and this moment showed that she knows when to admit that she’s wrong. Additionally, this moment is extra important as it’s the beginning of Spencer and Toby’s relationship.

Handling The Breakup With Caleb Like A Champ

Towards the end of the series, Spencer and Caleb give it a go and Spencer ends up falling in love with Caleb. Unfortunately, the relationship couldn’t last due to Caleb’s unresolved feelings for Hanna. This was really heartbreaking for Spencer as Caleb was her second love.

Spencer proved to be extremely strong when she knew breaking up with Caleb was the right thing to do. Hanna was her best friend, she cared deeply for Caleb and wanted the best for everyone. This was a really strong moment for Spencer’s character and immensely show her strength and maturity.

Breaking Up With Toby To Keep Him Safe

Speaking of Spencer’s love life, a big part of A’s game with the girls included messing with their personal relationships. In the second season, Spencer realizes that she needs space from Toby in order to keep him safe. She breaks up with him and lets him think it’s because she can’t trust him.

This is an extremely heartbreaking scene for fans but it’s a huge moment for Spencer’s character as it shows how selfless she can be. Spencer cares deeply for Toby and was willing to sacrifice her own happiness in order to protect him from the dangers of A.

Joining The A-Team

Spencer joining the A-Team was definitely a big surprise for fans, however, it wasn’t such a surprise to learn that she was only joining in order to learn inside information. At this point in the series, Spencer doesn’t know if Toby is dead or alive but she believes that she will learn the truth about this and more by joining the dark side.

To Spencer’s surprise, she learns that not only is Toby alive but he is also working with the A-Team to try to gain information and ultimately protect her.

Facing Off Against Ian

This is definitely a fan-favorite scene as viewers finally got to see Ian’s demise. Ian was always a sketchy character and ultimately proved to be evil when he tries to push Spencer off of the church’s bell tower.

Ian is just moments away from letting Spencer fall to her death when a figure appears. The figure, who is later discovered to be Ali, pushes Ian off the ledge, saving Spencer. Fans eventually find out that Ian didn’t actually die at the church but later committed suicide. Either way, this great a moment of victory for Spencer.

Figuring Out A’s Real Name

Spencer definitely had impressive mental abilities. While of course she was known for getting the best grades, we also see this side of her in action whenever the girls are forced to go up against A. Of course, these abilities often come in handy, for instance when she was able to rearrange the alphabet blocks in The Dollhouse to spell out “Charles”. This is the first time fans learn of A’s real name, so this scene is huge for viewers.

It’s pretty impressive that Spencer was able to decipher Charles’ name in this way considering the immense amount of pressure she was under while locked inside The Dollhouse.

Getting Out Of The Dollhouse

Not only was Spencer responsible for decoding A’s real name, but she also devised a plan to get the Liars out of The Dollhouse. It was her idea to figure out a way to turn the electricity off just long enough for them to escape. Unfortunately, even after running out of the house, the girls were still trapped within an electric fence.

Regardless, this is still fairly impressive considering the few materials Spencer and the gang had to construct a device that would momentarily turn the electricity off.

Discovering Ezra Is Boardshorts

Spencer yet again solves some of Pretty Little Liars’ toughest mysteries. It was well known that Alison was seeing someone before her disappearance, the Liars referred to him as “Boardshorts” as they started to uncover more about him.

Of course, Spencer was the one to ultimately crack the case and discover that Aria’s Ezra was in fact, Boardshorts. Oddly enough, Spencer was able to make the connection with a simple clue involving beer and boysenberry pie. Spencer should really consider sleuthing as a full-time career as she definitely has a knack for it.

Battling Her Evil Twin Sister

Ah, the Pretty Little Liars finale. There were some mixed feelings in the fandom concerning the finale, mostly about the fact that Spencer apparently had a twin sister this entire time. This definitely made for a shocking and entertaining ending.

Spencer’s evil twin sister, Alex, shows up on the scene and explains that she is the daughter of Mary Drake who is also part of the A-team. Alex had kidnapped Spencer because, like an evil twin, she wanted Spencer’s life. Ultimately, Spencer escapes, Alex and Mary get caught and live out their days in Mona’s Parisian dollhouse.