Universal Pictures has announced that principal filming of the Steve Jobs biopic written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by Danny Boyle is now finally underway. The announcement confirms that the movie, dropped by Sony back in November, will still follow the original three-act structure based around three keynote presentations.

Surprisingly, Universal says that the final product announcement will be the iMac, in 1998, rather than the launch of the iPhone as had been widely expected … 

Universal Pictures today announced that principal photography has commenced in San Francisco on Steve Jobs. Set backstage at three iconic product launches and ending in 1998 with the unveiling of the iMac, the film takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolution to paint an intimate portrait of the brilliant man at its epicenter.

Slash Film reports that the two other keynotes are for the original Macintosh and the NeXT computer.

The keynote-based format had been thrown into some doubt earlier this month when film crews set up in the garage of Steve’s childhood home. However, Slash Film says that this is for one of several short flashbacks accounting for “less than 10% of the […] script.”

  • One with Steve Wozniak (played by Seth Rogen) in the garage talking about the original Mac, focusing on the conversation over whether or not to make the Mac a closed system.
  • Another shows Steve Jobs removed from power at Apple. This is where Jeff Daniels would be playing John Sculley.
  • We also see a few snippets showing Job’s home life. This is where we see Jobs’ daughter, who ages 5 to 19 throughout the story played by Makenzie Moss, Ripley Sobo and Perla Haney-Jardine.

Universal confirmed that Michael Fassbender plays the lead role, after both Christian Bale and Leonardo DiCaprio pulled out, Sorkin having originally wanted Tom Cruise. Seth Rogen will play Steve Wozniak, Kate Winslet former Macintosh marketing head Joanna Hoffman and Jeff Daniels appearing as John Sculley.