PUBG is one of the most brilliant multiplayer battleground games that has ever been developed. Moreover, it has changed the mobile gaming experience forever and pushed the smartphone manufactures to bring in devices centered around the game. If you are an avid PUBG lover then, this piece of news will excite you, as the latest version of the game v0.15.0 has been made available for smartphones. And as always with new updates, new features are added, the same is in the case of this new update.

This update was first made available for the PC and then later one for the consoles. But now, the new update is officially available for mobile phones. There are a lot of new features like payload mode teammate recall, desert eagle, etc packed in with this update. Let us talk about the new features that have been added with this new PUBG update, in more detail:

PUBG Mobile 0.15.0 Software Update

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Fix: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds or PUBG Screen Tearing on PC, PS4, PS5, or Xbox Consoles

What’s New

The latest update 0.15.0 brings in a new Payload mode and the Survive Till Dawn – Halloween mode. However, the Darkest Night will be taken offline for further tuning. You also get features like new mid-air leap, new vehicles, exploding fuel drums, and other in-game related performance enhancements. Being a PUBG player myself, what excites me more is the addition of new guns. And with this new update the MM16A4, Vector, UMP45, and MK47Mutant, and the Desert Eagle has been added to the game.

Pubg Mobile 0.15.0 Beta Changelog:

  • What’s New:

  • Payload Mode (coming soon)

  • Comes with Helicopter, RPG, Missiles, and more

  • Items: Air Strike Beacon, Vehicle Repair Pack

  • Recall: Revives teammates

  • Updates:

  • Item/Vehicle: Desert Eagle, BRDM-2

  • Vaulting: Improves movement

  • Explosive Barrels: Blow them up to deal damage

  • Survive Till Dawn: Halloween, new human faction & items

  • Graffiti: Spray away!

  • Improvements:

  • Modified weapons & gears

  • Improved fluency, control, power consumption, performance and Lobby UI

  • Payload Mode (coming soon)

  • Comes with Helicopter, RPG, Missiles, and more

  • Items: Air Strike Beacon, Vehicle Repair Pack

  • Recall: Revives teammates

  • Item/Vehicle: Desert Eagle, BRDM-2

  • Vaulting: Improves movement

  • Explosive Barrels: Blow them up to deal damage

  • Survive Till Dawn: Halloween, new human faction & items

  • Graffiti: Spray away!

  • Modified weapons & gears

  • Improved fluency, control, power consumption, performance and Lobby UI

The game has been fine-tuned to consume less power and provide smoother gameplay. Another major feature in this new update is that you can now carry your teammate’s ID to revive them at the communication tower. Mobility within the game is very important and now, you get to ride a Helicopter and a BRDM-2 vehicle as well.

You can download the latest version of PUBG from the Google Play Store and enjoy the new features that the new v0.15.0 brings in for the game:

[googleplay url=””]

Let us know in the comments below what features of the new update you liked the most and if you came across any glitch in the game after the update. Until the next post…Cheers!

Pubg Mobile 0.13.5 Beta Changelog:

That brings us to the recently announced 0.13.5 beta update which brings to the board a few important and niche updates. For starters, users can now enjoy playing the game on the high frame rate option even at HDR – which is the highest graphics settings one can reach for now. Obviously, not many phones can deliver a smooth 60 FPS on HDR settings, so the prerequisite requires you to own a phone with a flagship cored processor. To change the frame rate and HDR settings, hop into the Graphics tab under PUBG Mobile Settings.

The most interesting update this time around is the introduction of a new submachine gun. The newly released PP-19 SMG sits somewhere below the Tommy Gun and the UMP. It has a big ammo round, allowing you to hold 53 bullets at once (no expansion, however). In typical submachine gun fashion, the PP-19 takes 9mm bullets and delivers a base damage of 35. The range and fire accuracy are yet to be tested, but the fire rate remains very similar to the UMP.


Apart from these two big announcements, in usual PUBG update style, there are a ton of new seasonal updates. This includes resetting of all the rewards from the previous season, and many UI changes to accommodate for the upcoming game modes and features. Following is a changelog of all the new updates this season, have a look for yourself :

  • Season interface has been redesigned to make it more intuitive and fancier.
  • Classic mode results screen has been adjusted. Rating and Tier changes are now more visible on the screen.
  • Season 8 rewards have been adjusted in S8. The entire Season 8 outfit is now available at Gold tier. Reach Diamond tier to get Season-exclusive weapon finishes. Reach Crown or above to get a special team-joining effect and name tags. Reach Ace or above to get a permanent season title.
  • Rewards will now be automatically sent to players at the end of the Season.
  • Players will learn more detailed changes from the previous season at the beginning of each Season.
  • The ranking system’s algorithm has been tuned to slightly increase the weight of kill points, so kills now have a bigger impact on Tier.
  • Tier transfer rules have been revised. Starting from Season 8, Tiers below Gold are transferred as-is to the next season.
  • Tier Inheritance message has been made more clear. Rating reset information for all servers will be shown in one message, and tier transfer rules will be explained on the website (whose link will be included in the message).
  • Tier promotion messaging has been improved. Division promotions within a tier will not be shown in the lobby. Tier promotions will get a fancier display.
  • Tier icon visuals have been improved.

Other Improvements

  • Title visual effects have been tuned.
  • Some mythic outfits are now shown with weapons drawn.
  • Fixed the bug where players could not move the avatars of their teammates in Team Deathmatch.

Update (19/7/2019) :

Following the official release of this update, we have a detailed overview of everything that has been changed! Read on to learn exactly what this update has brought new and how it has affected the gameplay’s salient features.

  • PP-19 : This is the game’s 5th submachine gun, and like mentioned previously it comes with 53 rounds of 9mm bullets. You cannot expand its magazine and you can only provide a single hit damage of 35, which is just like the UMP 9. Following the update, we’ve learned that the PP-19 can be upgraded by adding scopes and muzzles to it. As for the scopes, you can equip it from all the options ranging from the Red Dot Sight to the 6x scope.
  • PMCO Theme : Users of PUBG Mobile can now take a sneak peak at the upcoming PMCO themed event that is expected to hit the game by the end of July. For now, users can listen to the PMCO Theme song by Alan Walker and even apply a PMCO specific game theme.
  • Seasonal Updates : The entire Seasons screen has been redesigned to aid people for better visibility and ease of understanding and use. The Classic Mode Results Screen has also been updated and users can now view their rating and tier changes more vividly than before. All the Season 8 upgrades have been readjusted and users can get the Season 8 outfit by reaching the Gold tier. You also receive special bonuses and a team joining effect if you reach a tier higher than Crown. The entire ranking system’s algorithm has also been changed since your tier will now be massively dependent upon the amount of kills you get. Lastly but definitely not the least, players with a tier group of Gold or less will not be pushed down in the next Seasons.
  • Royal Pass : There are new ocean themed outfits and accessories for players of the Royal Pass to go check out with this season’s update. You can now also request for an Elite Pass or Elite Pass Plus update to your friends in the friends section of the game. A few items from Seasons 2 and 3 are being reincarnated to celebrate the new Royal Pass and users can get them in rank rewards as well as redemption crates. Lastly, all the Royal Pass screens and license cards have been redesigned to give the players a cleaner and better understanding of everything.

That’s all for this new update, we hope you all will enjoy PUBG Mobile as much as we do! You can download the latest PUBG Mobile beta by following the link below :