PUBG Mobile brings one of the biggest battle royale games to consumers’ pockets. This guide will contain helpful tips and tricks for mobile players. PUBG (also known as PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds) brings a realistic element to the battle royale formula. 100 people all land together on the island and each game have players taking each other out one by one until a victor is left standing. Receiving a “winner winner chicken dinner” is large acclaim in the world of gaming, as it does not come easy. No matter if the player is on a console, PC, or Mobile, each version has its own challenges they must face in order to inch closer to victory. Mobile may be amongst the most difficult to play, as the touch screen devices like iOS or Android are not the most accurate for shooting when compared to computers or mobile. This guide will help PUBG Mobile players learn the ways of the land and get closer to victory.

There’s plenty to consider in a game of PUBG, but each game can typically run the same. It’s all about optimizing the players’ options to avoid being killed early on. The rules are simple. A circle with surrounding the island and as the game carries on, the circle will continue to shrink. This brings players closer together, forcing them to fight considering the circle does hefty damage to players who enter it. A game of PUBG can average around 30 minutes depending on how the player decides to handle themselves. Would they like to be a player who enters situations guns blazing to take out as many opponents as possible? Would they like to play much more conservatively in order to survive until the very end? There are several ways these games can end for both of these situations. This guide will provide tips for all types of players.

Best Places for Landing in PUBG Mobile

Landing is a key part of any game of PUBG Mobile. Deciding where to land can determine the tone for the rest of the game. It can also be the conclusion of the game if not done properly. It’s important to pay attention to where opponents as landing. As when they land, they are looking for the same thing the player is, loot and weapons. Some high profile areas on the map would be large towns, power plans, and military bases. These can contain some of the best loot in the game, but its important to remember that other players may want this too. It’s not recommended to land in an area where there’s nothing around. By doing this, the player will find themselves alone and not finding any useful items. This is also just really boring. Find a happy medium between somewhere with loot and somewhere players will avoid. By defeating players, the player can take their loot. At the end of the day, it is a battle royale, the player will have to fight at some point.

Picking Your Battles in PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile is a game of advanced hide and seek. Regardless if said player has no weapons or all the best loot in the game, it’s important to know when to run and when to fight. For example, if the player is close enough to another player, try and take the shot if the weapon the players have can connect from that range and ONLY if they can connect from that range. Taking the shot and not having the built connect not only will waste ammunition, but it will also reveal the player’s location, prepping them for a fight they weren’t ready to win. Shotguns have poor range but can dish out high amounts of damage in a closer range. Assault rifles are better for medium-range combat and do decent damage and sniper rifles can do high damage from far ranges, but it’s harder to land this hit. Know what’s in the character’s arsenal and use it wisely.

Avoid The Circle in PUBG Mobile

As mentioned, the circle is the biggest threat in the game besides the players. This circle can dish out large amounts of damage the longer the game goes on. Make sure to pay close attention to the minimap as it provides the player with the location of the circle and how much time before it begins to close again. Also, using vehicles is an excellent way to travel across the map in short amounts of time. Vehicles can be rare though, so once the player finds one, hold on to it close and use it as an advantage. The circle can also be used as a weapon of the players’ own. By pinning a player in a tough situation while the circle is behind them, the opponent has to make a tough decision. Either move forward and get shot at or wait hit until the circle takes them. Spacing this out can be advantageous.

Finding Loot in PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile is a battle royale game where having the correct loot and change the entire tone of a game. Avoid fighting at all costs until the player has found some powerful loot. Unless they truly feel comfortable in their abilities, its recommended to avoid combat until full stacked up. Finding armor out in the field is helpful for taking on more damage. Backpack upgrades allow the player to carry more ammunition and items. First aid kits are essential in healing when taking damage. All this loot is important to survive for a long time in PUBG Mobile.

PUBG Mobile brings a massively successful battle royale game to an entirely new audience. This is important for bringing in new players and building the community beyond just its PC counterpart. On its release, PUBG mobile was one of the most downloaded games on Android. The game continues to grow as its developer continues to support it. While mobile games do not contain the most accurate gaming controls, this is still a great way to pick up a massively multiplayer online experience for the players’ pockets. With more patch notes and content updates, PUBG Mobile will continue to thrive in all of its involved markets.

More: PUBG’S High Ping Advantage Disproven in Video

PUBG Mobile is available now on iOS and Android.