You can also use JavaScript with other technologies like REST APIs, XML, and more. Nowadays, JavaScript also using technologies like Node js. In this JavaScript vs Python difference tutorial, you will learn:

What is JavaScript? What is Python? Features of JavaScript Features of Python Difference Between JavaScript and Python Application of JavaScript Application of Python Advantages of JavaScript Advantages of Python Disadvantages of JavaScript Disadvantages of Python When to use JavaScript and when use Python?

What is Python?

Python is a high-level object-oriented programming language. It has built-in data structures, combined with dynamic binding and typing, which makes it an ideal choice for rapid application development. Python also offers support for modules and packages, which allows system modularity and code reuse. It is one of the fastest programming language as it requires very few lines of code. Its emphasis is on readability and simplicity, which make it a great choice for beginners. Below are the key differences between Python and JavaScript.

Features of JavaScript

Here are the important features of JavaScript:

It’s a cross-platform language It’s widely used for client-side and server-side Strong Testing Workflow It’s easy to learn and to start coding with Offers added dependencies

Features of Python

Here are the important features of Python:

Easy to learn, read, and maintain It can run on various hardware platforms & using the same interface. You can include low-level modules to the Python interpreter. Python offers an ideal structure and support for large programs. Python offers support for automatic garbage collection. It supports an interactive mode of testing and debugging. It offers high-level dynamic data types and also supports dynamic type checking. Python language can be integrated with Java, C, and C++ programming code Easy concurrency support via goroutines Fast compilation times Statically linked binaries which are simple to deploy

Stack Overflow Questions: JavaScript vs. Python

Applications of JavaScript

Here are the important applications of JavaScript:

It allows you to build secure and scalable applications. Dynamic Single-Page Applications (SPAs) Front-End technologies like jQuery, AngularJS, Ember.js, ReactJS are based on JavaScript Server-Side technologies like MongoDB, Node.js, and Express.js are based on Java Script. It also uses for mobile app development using React, PhoneGap, etc.

Applications of Python

Here are the important applications of Python:

Language for AI, Machine learning and Deep learning Rapid prototyping web scripting Ad hoc programming Scientific applications XML processing Database applications Used for GUI applications

Advantages of JavaScript

Here are the pros/benefits of using JavaScript:

It is an open-source project Specially designed tool for small scripts Supports classes, interfaces, & modules. Compiled JavaScript runs in any browser Allows cross-compilation JavaScript language is used both on the client-side and the server-side. which means that this language runs practically everywhere from browsers to powerful servers JavaScript has a large community that actively back the language. You can extend JavaScript for writing large apps You can use JavaScript to store and retrieve information on the user’s computer It provides immediate feedback to the visitors It allows you to create interfaces that react when the user hovers using the mouse.

Advantages of Python

Here are the pros/benefits of using Python language:

Python is a powerful object-oriented programming language. Uses an elegant syntax, making the program you write easier to read. Python comes with a large standard library, so it supports many common programming tasks. Runs on various types of computers and operating systems: Windows, macOS, Unix, OS/2,etc. Very simple syntax compared to Java, C, and C++ languages. Extensive library and handy tools for developers Python has its auto-installed shell Compared with the code of other languages, python code is easy to write and debug. Therefore, its source code is relatively easy to maintain. Python is a portable language so that it can run on a wide variety of operating systems and platforms. Python comes with many prebuilt libraries, which makes your development task easy. Python helps you to make complex programming simpler. As it internally deals with memory addresses, garbage collection. Python provides an interactive shell that helps you to test the things before its actual implementation. Python offers database interfaces to all major commercial DBMS systems.

Disadvantages of JavaScript

Here are the drawbacks/cons of using JavaScript:

Client-side JavaScript does not allow the reading or writing of files. It has been kept for security reasons. JavaScript can’t be used for networking applications because there is not much support available. JavaScript doesn’t have any multiprocessor multithreading features.

Disadvantages of Python

Here are the cons/drawbacks of using Python language:

Used in fewer platforms. Weak in mobile computing, hence not used in app development As Python is dynamic, so it shows more errors at run-time. The under-developed and primitive database access layer Absence of commercial support

When to use JavaScript and when to use Python?

If you are doing web development, the better choice is to consider the trio of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. People who want to learn machine learning, data science, and neural networks should consider learning Python Python is usable as a frontend language as transpilers that convert Python code to JavaScript make the applications slower. That’s why it is better to use Python for backend development and stick to JavaScript for frontend.